Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Life Education

On Wednesday RM9 went to see Ben at the life education truck.  He taught us about the Head Hassler and the Mind Master. These are imaginary thoughts in our head. The Head Hassler gives us bad thoughts and the Mind Master gives us good thoughts. Then we started watching a video about a boy called Jake Clark. In this video Jake gets bullied and his Head Hassler gives him really annoying thoughts like ‘this will be happening for the rest of your life’. We learnt we should always listen to our Mind Master when things get tough in life.  At the end he gave us some work of drawing our own Mind Master and Head Hassler. It was awesome!!!

By Natalie


  1. that was awesome thanks Ben

  2. Thanks Ben for coming and thanks Harold for your funny jokes

  3. Thank you Ben for coming in to talk to us about our Head Hassler and our Mind Master!!

  4. thanks Ben we really enjoyed your visit!!

  5. Ben's fluffy walls were the best!

  6. thanks ben i liked how you told us about the mind master and hed hasaler

  7. thanks for telling us about our head hassler and mind master
